Pug template tabs
Pug template tabs

pug template tabs

In this series, however, we'll focus on HTML. It should be noted that many templating languages do not only support HTML, but can generate other types of files as well. This means these template files must be converted (compiled, as we call it in the programming world) to HTML before being forwarded to browsers to render. The latter, however, are different languages than HTML and have their own syntax.So we're basically still writing in HTML. With the former which is just an editor extension, we write abbreviations which expand to full HTML code instantly when we press TAB.The fundamental difference between Emmet and templating languages like Pug and Slim is that, In this series, we're going to learn the basics of these two and hopefully they would help improve your workflow further. Templating languages are widely used in Web development and two of the most popular ones are Pug and Slim. In both cases the default behavior is to escape the line.This series builds on my post, Supercharge Your Web Dev Workflow With Emmet, to which Maciek Fitzner posted a comment mentioning Pug. In the second line the paragraph content is a text string concatenated with the title variable. So for example, in the first line below, the content of the h1 tag will be variable title (either defined in the file or passed into the template from Express). If a tag is followed by the equals sign, the following text is treated as a JavaScript expression.

pug template tabs

characters like " >" are converted to their HTML code equivalents like " >") to prevent JavaScript injection or cross-site scripting attacks. The values of all attributes are escaped (e.g. meta(name='viewport' content='width=device-width initial-scale=1').script(type='text/javascript'), link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/style.css').Inside the parentheses, the attributes are defined in comma- or whitespace- separated lists of the pairs of attribute names and attribute values, for example: H2 Generate a list ul each val in li = valĮlement attributes are defined in parentheses after their associated element. Strong focus on performance and powerful features. Pug is a terse and simple template language with a else p A variable named "title" does not exist. col if title p A variable named "title" exists. p = 'Evaluated and escaped expression:' + title // You can add single line JavaScript comments and they are generated to HTML comments //- Introducing a single line JavaScript comment with "//-" ensures the comment isn't rendered to HTML p A line with a link a ( href = '/catalog/authors' ) Some link text | and some extra text. body h1 = title p This is a line with # and # markup. Doctype html html ( lang = "en" ) head title = title script ( type = 'text/javascript' ).

Pug template tabs