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What happened? How could I have possibly usedmagic? No one has ever instructed me in it or taught me spells.” Brom’s eyes flashed. “I’ve been searching for answers to this mystery, but I can’t make sense of it. “You didn’t have any idea what you were doing.” “Then tell me,” challenged Eragon. If I had waited, they would have chopped me into pieces!” Bromstamped his teeth vigorously on the pipe stem. You could have destroyed yourself and the whole town.” “It wasn’t as if I had a choice,” said Eragon defensively. But the manner in which you did it was very dangerous. You should be proud few escapeunscathed fromslaying their first Urgal. “It seems I owe you a debt for saving my life. Do you know anything about it?” “A little.” Brom’s face was thoughtful.

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For a long time the only sound was the snapping fire. When Eragon finished, Bromlooked down at the ground. Brom remained silent throughout it, his face inscrutable. Eragon nervously clasped his hands and told the story without embellishment.

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I am most curious.” Hisface reflected the flickering firelight, and his bushy eyebrows stuck out fiercely. “Now, I think it’s time for you to tell me what transpired while I was unconscious. Then talk.” When their bellies were full and warm, Brom lit his pipe.

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